Welcome to PathFinder!

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

The quote above is the boilerplate language that Squarespace gives when editing your website pages. But I kind of love it. It captures the essence of PathFinder pretty well. On our first blog post, I’m going share a bit more about the inner workings of PathFinder Mercantile, it’s founder (that’s me), and give you a peek behind the curtain.

A few weeks ago, I was sitting in a meeting that mostly required my attendance and not so much my participation. I have those meetings every Monday. In fact, I have a lot of meetings every Monday. By day, I work for an environmental engineering firm doing regulatory planning and permitting for the energy company. It’s not glamorous by any means but it’s probably one of the most demanding, yet equally rewarding positions I’ve had in my 10 years as a civil engineer. There were times where I wasn’t in that field. For about 9 months back in 2017, I worked for a locally owned retail store selling work and western boots. I had never been happier (or poorer) in my life. The only stress in my life at that time was trying to find another full time gig. But it stuck with me. That feeling, the freedom. I poured my soul into creating - honing my craft of crocheting in my free time. That was the year Croshits & Giggles was born. It sure doesn’t feel like 5 years have passed since then!

Crocheting poolside

summer of 2017

In the late fall of 2017, I made the decision to move to Richmond, Virginia. Little did I know, the decision to move with a less than ideal plan that went against every last wish of my mother, would turn out to be the best decision I would ever make. Luckily, I was still crocheting any chance I could get and wound up finding an incredible community of fiber artists in Richmond. Through craft beer and fiber crafts, I was able to start my 2nd passion project: Hooks & Hops. A craft beer and fiber crafting meet up that combined my two favorite hobbies - drinking and crocheting! Plus, RVA has the best beer scene. My desire to move onward and upward got the best of me, and about a year after working for a small firm, I moved over to local government as a plan reviewer. It was awesome! I had no idea at the time, but it would be the reason I’m where I’m at today. At the time, that was my 5-10 year plan. I thought I would stay in Richmond for the rest of my life. It felt like home! I loved everyone I befriended there. The art, the culture, the history. It was the first place I felt like I fit in.

Crocheting at a brewery in Richmond

Hooks & Hops - 2019

Fast forward to 2020. Yeah, we all know what happened that year, but I’m talking the very beginning. Boom. Boy meets girl. Boy happens to live back near home town working for the navy, which doesn’t have any job opportunities in Richmond. So girl decides to move back to Hampton Roads. This was NOT in the 5 year plan! But it ended up being the next best decision I have made. While Norfolk will never compare to Richmond, I’ve been so lucky to find some of the greatest humans I’ve had the honor of meeting and now they’re my closest friends. It was hard at first, leaving “home”. But I’m learning as I approach 30 that home is where you make it. It’s where you surround yourself with the people you care about most. It took a minute to adjust, but I ended up tweaking and creating a new 5 year plan.

Circling back to that meeting I mentioned at the beginning. An idea came to me…it wasn’t 100% original, as the name was something my partner and I had come up with for his dream job: opening a game pub. “pathfinders mercantile” I wrote at the top of my note pad. It took everything in me not to zone out and let my mind run wild with it. After work, I pitched the idea to my friends and they were sold! Even my partner agreed to come on board. They’re a pretty talented bunch, and they supported me. That’s what felt the most important to me. They’re always willing to offer advice and assistance. They feel like home.

The idea


The goal of PathFinder Mercantile is to foster a community of makers that empowers each merchant to be successful in whatever manner they need. We have a facebook group where we can ask for feedback on products or ideas. We support each other by “feeding the algorithm”. We know what it takes to run a nano-business from our homes, while balancing full time jobs and families. We’re big on supporting each other. It takes a village, after all.

PathFinder is currently in it’s very early stages. We have big dreams. We want to teach classes at the local craft re-use center. We want to lift up artisans and get their creations to a larger market. Most importantly, we want to make a difference. If you are crafty and want to become a Merchant, reach out. We’re always accepting new applications.

Thanks for reading! We love your support. Visit our shop if you’d like to purchase PathFinder Branded Merch by clicking “Wares” in the menu.


Liz Anderson
PathFinder Mercantile Founder

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